
入札資格 B C D
公示日または更新日2024 年 5 月 14 日
組織独立行政法人石油天然ガス・ 金属鉱物資源機構
取得日2024 年 5 月 14 日 19:12:12


1Request for proposal on services for providing financial and operational information oninternational and national energy companiesMay 14,2024MORI HiroyukiExecutive Vice President, Energy Business UnitJapan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)JOGMEC invites proposal submissions for “services for providing financial and operationalinformation on international and national energy companies”. Parties who wish to apply forthis request for proposal (“RFP”) should submit a proposal in accordance with the followinginstructions. 1. Scope of work:(1) For items mentioned below, update and deliver the latest information based onquarterly or annual financial results for major international energy companies andnational companies through the database.

 Quarterly financial results (information included in PL, BS and cashflow) Annual financial results (information included in PL, BS and cashflow) Reserves and productions Refining capacity and sales volume for petroleum products Liquefaction capacity for natural gas and sales volume Net investments by segments Valuation(2) Respond to inquiries about above items from JOGMEC via email, phone, or in-person(online-meeting available).

2. Term:From July 16, 2024 (Tentative) to March 31, 2028. 3. Budget:Total budget is equal to or below USD 53,000. This is NOT the contract price and is themaximum limit of the budget. The quotation shall NOT exceed the above-mentionedbudget. The cost performance will be included in the evaluation criteria.

4. Qualification requirements:2(1) A potential contractor must: High level of capability of promptly implementing the scope of work described in Item1, understanding of the scope of work, and expected output image.

 Experiences of same or similar professional service regarding the scope of workdescribed in Item 1.

 Necessary financial status and human resources.

 In the implementation of this work, the applicant shall be able to respond to inquiriesfrom JOGMEC, as necessary.

(2) General Requirements:A potential contractor must: (Only for entities who are registered in Japan) be a business entity who shall havegovernmental qualifications; B, C or D rank in “Service” of Reiwa 04/05/06 FY (FY2022,23 and 24) “Zenshocho Toitsu Shikaku”.

 be a business entity who shall not be under a suspension of business order asinstructed by the Japanese government administrative organization.

 be a business entity who shall not come under Article 3 of “Public announcement onthe qualifications for participating in the tendering procedures by Japan Organizationfor Metals and Energy Security.” not consign, subcontract, nor outsource (hereinafter “consignment”) material part ofits plan, proposal, nor its execution. (This condition shall apply to the consignee, andto all its sub-consignees). (Note: the word consignment is used as general term toconsignment of any kind).

If any part of this Work is consigned to anyone, an applicant shall not use the reasonof being an affiliated group entity as a valid qualification for such consignment. (Thiscondition shall apply to the consignee, and to all its sub-consignees). Definition of affiliated group entity are as follows:• Stock company, etc.: “membership company” defined in article 2.3.22 of theRegulations on Corporate Accounting (Ministry of Justice Order No. 13 of 2006)• Incorporated association, etc.: “subsidiary” defined in article 2.4, and “member”defined in chapter 2 section 2 of the Act on General Incorporated Associationsand General Incorporated Foundations. • General incorporated foundations etc.: “subsidiary” defined in article 2.4, and“councilor” defined in chapter 3 section 2 in the Act on General IncorporatedAssociations and General Incorporated Foundations.

If part of the Work is consigned, and the monetary amount of such consignment ismore than 50% of the total amount of this contract (including consumption tax andlocal tax), a reasonable explanation for such consignment should be attached to the3proposal. (This condition shall apply to the consignee, and to all its sub-consignees).

5. Submission of Proposal:(1) Contractor shall submit its proposal and quotation (in PDF format), as well as any otherrelated documents such as company brochure, by e-mail to the Contact addressindicated below under Item 5.(2) before 4:00 p.m. on June 4,2024 (Japan StandardTime). Any proposals submitted other than by e-mail shall not be accepted or reviewed.

JOGMEC will not bear any costs incurred by the Contractor in the process ofpreparation and submission of the proposals. (2) Contact address:Ms. TATEWAKIAdministration Division, Research & Analysis Department,Energy Business Unit,Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)E-mail: oilgas-contract @jogmec.go.jp*Please be advised that JOGMEC’s mail server cannot accept files larger than 25MB.

If the proposal file size exceeds 25MB, divide it into several files which are smallerthan 25MB. (3) Proposals received by JOGMEC will be used solely for evaluation purposes and will notbe returned. (4) Proposals shall be written in either Japanese or English5. Proposal procedures:Application Form with(1) Corporate outlineAttach Company brochure or other appropriate explanatory documents.

(2) Status on the Qualification RequirementsMention or attach the related documents and/or material demonstrating that you satisfyall the requirements.

(3) Record of providing the services of the same or similar natureState your recent record of providing services of the same or similar nature.

(4) Documents that assure the applicant’s financial standing such as financial statements.

(5) Quotation (USD)6. Evaluation of Proposals(1) Evaluation CriteriaThe proposals submitted in response to RFP by the deadline will be evaluated based onthe following. Please refer to item 1 for the specific criteria.

4 Objective Content of proposal Schedule Organization Previous work record Ability to execute the services Cost Performance(2) Certificates of Work-Life Balance Promotion *1 (optional)If applicants have any certification, action plan, or confirmation notice on work-lifebalance promotion etc., as listed below, the copies of those documents shall besubmitted.

 Certification based on the Act on Promotion of Woman’s Participation andAdvancement in the Workplace (“Eruboshi” or “platinum Eruboshi” certification)awarded by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Government of Japan(applies to corporations that fulfill the standards with respect to working conditions,such as working hours) Certification based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising NextGeneration Children (“Kurumin”, “Try Kurumin”, or “Platinum Kurumin” certification)awarded by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Government of Japan Certification based on the Youth Labor Welfare Act (“Youth Yell” certification),awarded by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Government of Japan Submitted action plan for business owners under the Act on Promotion of Women’sParticipation and Advancement in the Workplace (applies to corporations with 300 orless full-time employees) Confirmation notice (for non-Japanese companies) which shows a work life balancepromotion company equivalent to the companies with the above certificates, issuedby the Director of Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office of Japan*1 The government of Japan has been promoting women’s participation andadvancement in the workplace by means of encouraging companies to improvetheir work environment. As part of this policy, the government awards thecertification mentioned above to the companies which meet certain criteria, thenevaluates those companies higher than ones without such certification in thecompetitive bidding led by the government. In line with the governmental policy,JOGMEC evaluates the status on efforts to improve work environment, such aswork-life balance, of each applicant, then provides additional points in theevaluation process to the applicants with the above-mentioned certificates etc.

(3) Result of EvaluationThe evaluation result (name of the selected Contractor) will be disclosed on JOGMEC’s5website within 72 days from the next day of the contract execution date. (However, forcontracts executed between April 1st and April 30th of each fiscal year, within 93 days.)Note that the evaluation process will not be disclosed.

7. Notices(1) All required items in the proposal must be completed. Incomplete proposals will notbe accepted.

(2) JOGMEC reserves the right to make amendments and modifications to the proposedagreement.

(3) Successful applicant who receives the highest points among the potential Contractorsin the above-mentioned evaluation process will be a candidate for the Contractor forthe Work. JOGMEC and the candidate for the Contractor will discuss the details of theproposed agreement (including the contract amount) to finalize a definitive agreement.

(4) Contractor shall submit a formal quotation once JOGMEC and the Contractor agree tothe contract amount.

8. InquiriesAny questions regarding RFP shall be directed to the Contact address by 4:00 p.m. on June4,2024 (Japan Standard Time). However, any inquiries about the evaluation process shallNOT be accepted.

End of file

- 1 -Appendix 1Example of Proposal1.Prepare the proposal according to the written example shown below2.One PDF file should be submitted3.All items should be filled out before submission.

- 2 -Proposal for “Title”Date: MM DD, YYYYTo: MORI HiroyukiExecutive Vice President, Energy Business UnitJapan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)Submitted by:Company name:Address:Name:Job Title:Signature(Name and Title of the Representative)Person in charge:Name:Job TitleAddress:Phone:Fax:E-Mail:- 3 -【Proposal Form】1. Outline and background of the potential contractor2. Information to demonstrate satisfying the Qualification requirements3. Implementation structure and description of output image or sample of similar reportsRecords of previous experience of conducting a similar service.

4. Company profileInsert the company profile. An attachment of an electronic copy is accepted.

5. Promotion/Appealing your strong points (If any)6. Others (If any)(1) Please attach a draft agreement example which the contractor wishes to use. Please notethat the details of the agreement will be discussed after the potential contractor has beenselected.

(2) Please describe any issue or request for this proposal demand.

7. Itemized clear quotationThe list below is a sample quotation. Any items can be added or removed if necessary.

Items Cost breakdown RemarksDirect personnel expenseProject managerDirectorConsultantEtc.

$XXX$XXX$XXX$XXX per day x XX man-hour$XXX per day x XX man-hour$XXX per day x XX man-hourDirect expense- Travel expense- Etc.

$XXXRound trip ticket between XX and XXX nights in total, $XXX per nightMiscellaneous expense (if any) $XXXSubtotal $XXX*Tax (if applicable) $XXXLump Sum Total $XXX* Company will be responsible for country taxes related to revenues received from this service.

1Appendix 2Evaluation of ProposalsThe requirements for qualifications of applicants in the public notice will be judged, and those judged thatmeets requirements will be reviewed with respect to the following three parts, “(1) Technical Evaluation”,“(2) Cost Performance” and “(3) Promotion of Work-life Balance and Gender Equality”. The point allocationis 89, 25 and 4 points respectively, for a total of 118 points. The applicant with the highest total score fromfive evaluators will be selected as a candidate for the contractor. Each evaluation part is described asfollows.

(1) Technical Evaluation (89 points)All the technical criteria and their point allocations are given in Table 1. The technical criteria to beevaluated are divided into mandatory items and additional-point items. If the proposal satisfies thecriteria for all the mandatory items, full score will be given for each mandatory item automatically. Onthe other hand, if the proposal does not satisfy the criterion for any one of the mandatory items, thenthe proposal will be rejected. For the additional-point items, additional points will be scored using thefollowing the matrix given in Table 2.

Table 1: Criteria for Technical EvaluationEvaluation criteria Weight Mandatory Additional DescriptionUnderstanding of the SoW 15 〇The contractor comprehends andreflects the SoW.

Work Plan 14 〇The proposed work plan is feasibleand appropriate. Output Image 20 〇The output image meets therequirements specified in the SoW.

Capability of personnel andfinancial background20 〇The contractor has adequateorganization, personnel and financialbackground to execute the SoW.

Work Experience 20 〇The contractor has experience ofsimilar work of the SoW.

Total 89Table 2: Evaluation guideline of additional-point items for Technical EvaluationRating Rating definition PointS Excellent, beyond our expectation 20A Seems best within our expectation 13B Generally appropriate 6C Inadequate or not properly mentioned 0(2) Cost performance (25 points)The evaluation point for the estimated cost is calculated based on the proposed total cost includingany taxes and project budget using the following formula. Evaluation point for cost performance = 25 points X (1- (proposed total cost / budget))2(3) Promotion of Work-life balance and gender equality (4 points)If applicants have any certification, action plan, or confirmation notice on work-life balance and genderequality promotion, additional points will be awarded. PointPlatinum Eruboshi 4Eruboshi 3rd level *2 3Eruboshi 2nd level *2 2Eruboshi 1st level *2 1Formulation of an action plan forbusiness owners0.5Platinum Kurumin 4Kurumin (new standard applied afterApril 1st, 2022)2Kurumin (old standard applied to theperiod from April 1st 2017 to March31st, 2022)2Try Kurumin 2Kurumin(old standard applied untilMarch 31st, 2017)1 3*1: If certified in multiple classes, the highest point among them will be awarded*2: It is necessary to meet the standards for working styles such as working hours*3: A foreign juridical person which received Confirmation Notice (for non-Japanese companies) issued by the Director of Gender Equality BureauCabinet Office in Japan, will be awarded points corresponding to the classconsidered as same level.

Evaluation point of Work-life Balance and Gender EqualityClass of Certification *1, *3Promotion of Women’s Participationand Advancement in the Workplace(”Eruboshi” and "Platinum Eruboshi"certified)Act on Advancement of Measures toSupport Rasing Next-GenerationChildren (Act No. 120 of 2003)("Kurumin" and "Platinum Kurumin"certified)Youth Labor Welfare Act (Law No. 98 of 1970) ("Youth Yell" certified)